The Power of Connection

Being a competitive show jumper since I was 8 years old has given me a lot of experience with horses. Throughout these years, I've learned to cherish the unique bond between each of the horses I’ve had the opportunity to ride and myself. This connection is ultimately built on trust, mutual respect, and an unspoken understanding that can only be achieved through countless hours of training and companionship. Every jump, every turn, and every stride in the arena reflects the deep partnership that develops over time. This connection goes beyond the competitive arena, extending into the realm of personal growth and healing, which is something that I've come to deeply appreciate.

In the world of show jumping, the relationship between horse and rider is remarkable. It's not just about mastering the technical aspects of the sport, but about fostering a bond that allows for seamless communication and intuitive responses. This connection is a powerful testament to the idea that when two beings work together in harmony, they can achieve incredible things. Over the years, the trust I built with my horses have taught me patience, empathy, and the importance of clear, consistent communication. These lessons are invaluable, not only in the competition ring but in all aspects of my life.

At WhistleStop Acres, the bond between client and animal mirrors the bond between horse and rider. Animal assisted psychotherapy involves various animals, whose gentle and perceptive nature helps clients navigate their emotions and experiences. The animals become non-judgmental companions, offering a sense of calm and support that fosters healing.

Learning about animal assisted psychotherapy has deepened my appreciation for the role of community in personal growth. Similarly to how a supportive team is essential in competitive show jumping, a nurturing community is crucial in therapy. WhistleStop Acres emphasizes creating a safe, inclusive space where clients can explore their feelings and experiences. This sense of belonging and connection is vital for everyone, reinforcing the idea that we grow stronger together.

My journey as a competitive show jumper has shown me that the connection between horse and rider is a powerful metaphor for the connections we cultivate in life. Whether in the arena or a therapy session, these bonds teach us about trust, empathy, and the profound impact of working together towards common goals. We encourage you to give animal assisted psychotherapy a try as it serves as a reminder that healing can come from these meaningful connections with animals.

Katia Cannon


The Intersection of Nature and Community


Living Intentionally