
At WhistleStop Acres, we witness incredible stories of transformation every day, where determination, in both humans and animals, play a central role. Determination is a powerful force, capable of breaking through barriers, fostering resilience, and leading to remarkable healing journeys. In the context of animal-assisted therapy, this determination is not just an individual trait; it’s a shared experience between humans and animal companions.

One of the most profound examples of determination we see at WhistleStop Acres is in our therapy animals. Some of our animals come from backgrounds of neglect, trauma, or abandonment. Despite their past, they embody resilience, learning to trust, connect, and support the people who rely on them for emotional healing. Through consistent gentle care and positive reinforcement (with the help of our staff and volunteers), they learn trust and engage with our therapy participants. This determination to overcome past fears is what makes them such incredible therapy companions, motivating us to continue pushing forward just like they did.

Additionally, during my time at WhistleStop Acres, I've learned that determination is not just about grit or pushing through adversity; it's about the quiet moments of choosing to get up every day and move forward, even when the road ahead is uncertain. Being in nature, promoting peace and healing within yourself is embodying determination. You can find immense strength in the small moments, in the calm moments. And this lesson has been particularly important as I navigate my own academic and career goals.

When I need some determination, whether in therapy or in daily life, I consider these tips:

  1. Set Small, Achievable Goals: Break down larger objectives into smaller, manageable tasks.

  2. Celebrate Progress: Acknowledge and celebrate the progress you make, no matter how small.

  3. Learn from Setbacks: View challenges and setbacks as opportunities for growth. Your obstacles do not define you.

  4. Seek Support: Surround yourself with supportive individuals, whether they are friends, family, mental health professionals, or (of course) animals.

  5. Stay Focused on Your Purpose: Remind yourself of why you started your journey.

At WhistleStop Acres, we believe that determination is a key ingredient in the healing process. Whether it's the determination of our therapy animals to trust again or the determination of our clients to overcome their struggles, this shared resolve creates a powerful environment for growth and healing. We are proud to be a part of these journeys and are constantly inspired by the strength and determination we witness every day.

Berit Zuch


The Power of Control


Working with Animals