Building Your Purpose

As I am entering new beginnings and chapters in life, I have been challenging myself to find my purpose. However, I am starting to realize that it is less about finding your purpose and more about building it for yourself. I have been very active in activities that force me to think outside the box, follow my interests to know more about who I am, and to give back to my community and loved ones. By practicing gratitude and living intentionally in my day to day tasks it has been a long self discovery journey through finding ways to build my life and meaningful relationships. I have noticed that by taking life slower, I am able to notice the little things and take pride in who I am. 

It is easy to feel uncertain about your purpose and place in the world. Finding or re-discovering one’s purpose can be deeply personal but admitting the individual struggle can be a transformative experience. 

Purpose is more than having goals or ambitions, but I believe it comes from within. Finding meaning in what we do and aligning our actions with our core values has helped me in understanding my purpose. I have started to connect my daily activities and chores within me to something greater than me. 

I think it is important to highlight why a personal journey to discover my purpose has held such value to me. For one, it feels beneficial to enhance my mental health by keeping you driven, reducing stress, and stimulating my mind and body daily. Secondly, it fosters such a strong sense of belonging which involves connecting with others, and creating an individual community for yourself. I have very quickly learned that being around people who are like minded and have similar interests progresses me as an individual to want to be better. This can include volunteering, mentoring, and community service. Next, it also forces you to continue to learn and grow by seeking fulfilling activities. This keeps life dynamic and exciting regardless of age. I have found by taking these steps and altering my mindset to want more, I am creating a fulfilling life. 

Some experiences that can build your purpose for individuals of all ages include volunteering, pursuing a passion, sharing experiences/wisdom, engaging in lifelong learning, and mentoring others. 

Here at WhistleStop, finding your purpose can be done at any time. It is a journey that you can find at any stage of life and a rediscovery of old passions, giving back to others, experiencing new interests, finding meaning to connecting with others. You have the ability to create an impactful personal change and leave a lasting legacy of love, compassion, and knowledge. By embracing this journey, you will be valuing and celebrating every moment to not only live your life but cherish these moments.



Coping With Uncertainty

